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Spence Reichardt 027 283 9534

Fund Categories

The Foundation supports Christian Education in the following areas.

  • Student sponsorship
Will be used to ensure the full utilisation of resources by assisting needy families in the payment of attendance costs and possibly other educational costs. Download a sponsorship application form here.
  • Student scholarships
Will also be used to ensure the full utilisation of resources by assisting specific students to develop natural gifts and abilities.
  • Curriculum resources
 Will be used to promote high child achievement by assisting with the provision of curriculum resources. Uses may include learn through play equipment, resource books, resource software, sports gear, science mqterials, education outside the classroom (school camps) support etc.
  • Classroom Resources
Will be used to assist achievement by ensuring classrooms are fully resourced so as to ensure high quality delivery of services. Uses may include; desks, chairs, black or white boards, smart boards, computers and peripherals, shelving etc
  • Christian resources
Will be used to assist understanding of our special Christian character. Uses may include resource books, software, domestic or international short term missions and after school and school holiday programs.
  • Staff Training and Development
 Will be used to support staff by ensuring that they have access to the best up to date information and training available. Uses may include course costs and relief staff to cover staff absences during training.
  • Property Development
Will be used to ensure the continued development of property. Uses may include playground equipment, buildings, grounds beautification, courts and playing fields etc.
  • Capital Investment Fund
The capital investment fund will yield a continuos flow of future income.
  • Founders Fund (Trustees discretion)
Will be distributed by the Trustees according to the highest priority.
  • Foundation administration - Requirement not yet decided.
Will be used to pay administration costs of the Foundation.


Would you consider making regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly donations by A/P? Checkout the Founders Fund.


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